Hebe B Alioto

Hebe B Alioto

About The Artist

she paintjng from early years, 14Th , but she has perfección in the academic of Art in the University of Cordoba Argentine, also in Paris, Ecole de Beaux Arts, and in Florence last year , investigation of medieval and Renancentist art, , till to day she have made more than 100 exhibition, solo exhibition and colecctive in Argentina, Paris, Italy Florence, New York USA , Biennale of Arts in Florence 2001, 2006 Ecume France and Tunisia , and in Argentina, prix for the young painter, 1986 , next exhibition in Art Gallery Alicia Brandy, 19 of June Argentina Many particular colleccionist have adquire her painting and Art Foundation, also Michel Jackson , have inspirated for write abourt him chilwood , was publicated in Los Angeles California