Bucher Regina

Bucher Regina

About The Artist

www.reginabucher.net regina.bucher@sunrise.ch Regina Bucher was born in Bavaria, Germany, but currently lives near Basel in Switzerland. After studying natural sciences, she embarked on a course of intensive training as a painter. During the period 2002-2009 she learned all about acrylic painting techniques under the tutelage of Evelyn Dönicke in Muttenz. At the same time she perfected her skills in this medium by in the Assenza School of Art in Münchenstein and in the School of Design in Basel. In May 2009 she was awarded a diploma from the professional artists' federation, Mouvement Européen France Haut Alsace. In October 2009 she won second prize for her acrylic work at a show in Zillisheim in Alsace, France. In October 2010 she was awarded a bronze-medal from the 13. Offener Kunstpreis with the result of her oeuvre-assessment «cum laude». In July 2011 she was nominated for the Palm Art Award 2011. She expose her artworks all over the world.