Peter Buddle

Peter Buddle

About The Artist

I am a generally a figurative painter working mainly in oils. However, as an artist, I find it difficult to discuss and especially to attempt an explanation of my pictures. They all form a part of my ongoing evolution and exploration through ideas, images and medium. In truth, at the end of the day, I just make pictures. Even now I would rather be painting or drawing than writing this statement. It can be difficult to say exactly where inspiration comes from as it can arrive in a variety of forms. For example, I will look for inspiration through links with people, contemporary situations, natural structures and materials etc. Not so much as for inspiration, but more for support, I look back to such artists as Degas, Manet, Morisot, Lautrec, the Pre-Raphaelites, Schiele and Klimt together with the many exciting contemporary painters. Especially the drawings of these great artists display such spontaneity and creative power. Through my work, I attempt to assume a vivid presence by capturing the fleeting moment of some drama, past, present or future. By blurring the borderline between my own mental perceptions and the external reality, my work can often seek to encompass the organic structure and sometimes even the erotic or sensuous image. Peter