by Nathalie Vin

Artwork Description


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Nathalie, like lots of people, has a very special relationship with clouds. As for most of us this began in childhood lying on her back in French fields staring at the sky as these amazing billowing objects became witches, castles and elephants. “As children we become familiar and awestruck with clouds just as we are closer physically and emotionally to animals and insects,” she explains. Her fascination with clouds has continued throughout her life and with the overlay of the adult-artist's perception she has created her five opalescent mosaic clouds. These are utterly evanescent shapes which convey the atmosphere of Nathalie's favourite time of cloudscape....that half hour before sunrise when clouds begin to magisterially shimmer with the first rays of fresh sunlight. She accepts that in their final forms there's also a whiff of Oriental influence - entirely appropriate for the land of the Rising Sun. “These are utterly evanescent shapes which convey the atmosphere of my favourite time of cloudscape....the half hour before sunrise when clouds begin to magisterially shimmer with the first rays of fresh sunlight. I accept that in their final forms there's also a whiff of Oriental influence - entirely apposite for the land of the Rising Sun...."

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