De Rae Monique

De Rae Monique

About The Artist

Monique De Rae was born in Antwerp but for a long time has been living in Lommel, Belgium. She graduated from university with a first-class degree in clinical chemistry. As an artist, she is almost completely self-taught. She has produced watercolors and oil paintings as well as pen and ink drawings. Through the creation of this new - abstracter - series “The Blue-eyed Lady”, the artist’s desire is to present a simple view of life in this modern world. The message from “The Blue-eyed Lady” is that calm and reflection, a sense of humor and happiness are essential, but most importantly that we should keep our eyes open for the small and simple things in life and not succumb to the relentless pressure that modern living places on us. Ms De Rae has held several exhibitions, on her own and with others. She is also kept very busy organizing exhibitions for others so as to introduce a wider audience to young Flemish artists. Her works can be found in her home country as well as in the USA (Florida, Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York), France, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan and Africa. Recently, she received a silver medal in Paris, France by the Association of "Arts, Sciences et Lettres" for her art work.