Jose Lisboa

Jose Lisboa

About The Artist

Born in 1960 in Santos, Brazil, and graduated in Art Education from UNESP School of Arts, one of the leading Brazilian universities, José Lisboa dedicated his professional life to the teaching of arts to children and young adults from unprivileged family background in the city of São Paulo. Inspired by his classes of Art History and the hands-on art activities proposed to his students, Lisboa started painting professionally. As he often says ‘It all started with childlike games’. Making use of collage and a variety of materials such as sand and glass, Lisboa’s work combines a ludic tone and strong influence of impressionist colors whereas portraying satire and criticism through decomposed images, cubist fragments and the use of juxtaposed shades. Lisboa is a member of the Brazilian Confederation of Arts and Letters and Cultural Delegate of CONBLA São Paulo, a member of the Latin American Academy of Art-Brazil, the Literarte Association of Writers and Artists (Cabo Frio-RJ, Brazil) and correspondent member of Academy of Valparaiso, Chile (ALAV).