Andrea Wildner

Andrea Wildner

About The Artist

Andrea Wildner was born in Graz, Austria. After graduating from High School, she attends “University of Music and Performing Arts” in Graz. She starts her first theater engagement as an actress in Castrop-Rauxel. In the years 1975 – 1983, she is a regular member of the acting ensemble at „StateTheater“ in Munich. Since 1983, she’s a freelance actress for film, television and theater. She becomes famous through TV-Series like „Die Hausmeisterin“, „Peter und Paul“, „Um Himmels Willen“, as well as „Tatort“, „Soko” and various other acting engagements. 1987 she starts her education in the field of arts with various Munich based painters at Kunstakademie Bad Reichenhall 2011 Classes with Ingrid Jureit 2011 Classes with Prof.Jerry Zeniuk 2013 Classes with Prof. Hermann Nitsch In the years from 2012 – 2014 she pursues a degree in painting with Prof. Markus Lüpertz. 2014 she receives her certificate from Kunstakademie Bad Reichenhall. Since September 2014 student in the masterclass of Prof. Markus Lüpertz. Exhibitions: 20.-23. february 2015 Participation at ART INNSBRUCK 2015, Austria December 12th / 13th 2014 BCN ART FAIR Barcelona, Spain November 28th 2014 Solo Exhibition at Gallery creative mind. im Westend, Munich September 3rd 2014 Collective exhibition of the 2014/2015 Prof. Markus Lüpertz master class, Akademie der bildenden Künste Kolbermoor June 27th 2014 Final /graduating exhibition for painting degree with Prof. Markus Lüpertz, Kunstakademie Bad Reichenhall June 5th – July 7th 2014 Solo Exhibition at Galerie Rottmann Fuenf, Munich May 25th – June 1st 2014 Participation at ART MUC, Munich 6 / 2013 & 11 / 2013 Solo exhibition at Studio & Gallery Wildner, Munich 6 / 2012 & 12 / 2012 Solo exhibition at Studio & Gallery Wildner, Munich 1992 Collective exhibition at Schloß Pertenstein 1991 Solo exhibition at Urban & Fischer, Munich Art Prizes: Botticelli Prize 2015, Florence, Italy