Schoepper Ursa

Schoepper Ursa

About The Artist

URSA SCHOEPPER State examination in natural sciences, followed by teaching In addition to a simultaneous, accompanying family work of the beginning of a new higher education University degree, studies in cultural management, focused on visual arts, new media, at Prof. Dr. Eckart Pankoke, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Krempel, Prof Dr. Michael Bockemühl Conception and realization of various projects in the field of the cultural education systems as cultural manager _ Conception/ Realization Media Award North Rhine Westphalia for Museum of Absent Images, conception and realization as a social network 2001 Member BBK Cologne Since 2003 experimental artist in the field of experimental fine art photography 2019 Title of MASTER AND EMERITUS MEMBER AND HONORARY SUPPORTER of the Italien Academy of Arts in the World Cultural Association", Accademia Italia in Arte nel Mondo, Associazione Culturale, Brindisi 2019 MAGISTER ARTIUM of the Accademia "Italia in Arte nel Mondo" Associazione Culturale, Brindisi / Lecce 2019 Represented By Contemporary Art Station London at the Shibuya Station Exhibition Tokio 2019 Awarded with the WAA Womens Art Award, MUSA International Art Space, Venedig 2019 MAD Critics Award ,Exhibition, Milano 2018 Palm Award, Special Prize Photography 2018 Artist of the Year Award, selected as a TOP 100 artist for remarkable aesthetic, technical and creative standard of my work, Circle Foundation for the Arts, Lyon 2018 Nominierung für den 5. Internationalen André Evard-Award, Kunsthalle Messmer; Riegel a.K. 2018 Published in the Art Compass 2018, by Ulrich Goette Himmelblau 2018 Featured on ARTSY the Art World Online by the Gallery ArtUpclose, New York 2017 Interview Contemporary Art Curator Magazine 2017 Artist of the Gallery ArtUpclose, New York 2017 In WikiArticon, freie Enzyklopädie für zeitgenössische Künstler 2017 Affiliate Artist, CFA, Circle Foundation for the Arts, Lyon, France 2017 In Sammlung European Art Museum, Frederiksvaerk, Denmark 2016 published in World Wide Art Books, Current Masters II, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, U.S.A. 2016 Shakespeare in Art Award, Triennale Verona, Italy 2015 Artist at the Castle, Orsini Castle of Nerola, near Roma, Italy 2015 awarding with the International Prize Michelangelo - Artist at the Jubilee, Rome 2015 Certificate of Excellence, Artavita Competition December, Santa Barbara, CA, 2015 Certificate of Excellence, Artavita Competition April, Santa Barbara, CA, 2015 Finalist Artist For Photography Section, Premio Combat Prize Livorno, Italy 2015 Member at artavita 411 East Canon Perdido, #12Santa Barbara, CA 93101, USA 2014 Preisträgerin Merit Award 2014, Blue Diamond Photo Award 2013 Preisträgerin Merit Award 2013, Blue Diamond Photo Award 2012 Preisträgerin Leonardo Award for Digital Art 2012 /International Art Award Chianciano 2012 Seit 2012 verzeichnet im Art America Annual Guide vom Contemporary Art Network, New York, Seit 2010 verzeichnet im Who is Who in Visual Art, 100 Fine Art Photographers 1989 - 2010 Mitglied der Gesellschaft zur Förderung von Kunst-und Medientechnologie, ZKM, Karlsruhe Ursa Schoepper lebt und arbeitet im Rheinland bei Bonn