zohar wallach

zohar wallach

About The Artist

Born in Israel in 1965, Zohar’s artistic passion started at a very young age and she used to experiment with organic components and paint on anything she could find. She completed her Bachelors of Arts degree in Haifa University, followed by Handwriting Analysis studies. Zohar later joined the corporate world as a human resources consultant. It was only after she moved to Canada in 1998, that Zohar became a professional artist. Zohar has an intuitive approach which incorporates dynamic sequences into the most trivial elements. She developed her unique style of work over the years by applying paint and sand onto the canvas randomly letting it determine the course of the image. Working with her hands, she continually modifies those materials, peeling and distressing each layer, and adding new pigments as she goes along. Zohar’s interest in natural mechanisms and organic elements is reflected in her work. She demonstrates a keen sensitivity to those basics, turning subtle variations in texture and tone into images with a powerful physicality and an otherworldly sense of mystery. Her skill at handling color, combined with her strong compositions, result in works that vividly project a sense of space and movement. The juxtaposition of glittering trails of light with areas of dark, moody color gives some images the appearance of a night sky, while the swirling pools of color in others bring water and stone to mind. Zohar’s paintings are being sought after by corporate and private collections all over the world. She currently resides with her family in Calgary, Canada.