Carmen Rojas

Carmen Rojas

About The Artist

Carmen was born in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. She graduated from the University of Puerto Rico where she obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Arts with a concentration on Art Education and Sculpture. She earned her Master's in Education Administration from the University of Phoenix. Her work has received several awards in Puerto Rico and Florida. She moved to Florida where she still working at her studio, developing new expressions in sculpture, painting and glass work. STATEMENT I believe that the medium of sculpture is the invasion of space with shapes that transform the reflection of how we view existence, decided to make footprints over time. With this invasion of space and with geometrical shapes, I denote the vision of my vital experiences as well as those experiences of the people that surround me. These experiences and events show themselves in the work with a certain position, like linear dimensions, suggesting a continuous state in space and time. I decided to utilize steel as the mode of expression in my sculptures. As a sculptor, I have developed the incorporation of paint to my steel work. I do this to create a way to add texture and movement to unify in an aesthetic manner and highlight the abstract on a contemporary art expression.