Lynne Bowden

Lynne Bowden

About The Artist

Encaustic Artist As an emerging artist I have found a fascination with how other cultures have lived, historical events that change us as a society, philosophical theories and scientific wonders as they apply to us as human beings. Behind each of my paintings, is an attempt to capture a cultural shift, a historical event, scientific study or a bit of philosophical whimsy. These are the driving force of my inspirations. The use of Encaustic wax is the main medium with a mixture of old world batik on silk, crayons, inks, gold leaf, oils, paper or textiles. For me, wax is transformed into the voice of imagination. Having a long career in law enforcement, I have seen the worst societal pathology in the hearts of others. I turned to my forgotten love of art, in an attempt to remember that humanity is still good and that the life we are given is a gift that we receive every day. Art allows me to concentrate on the creation at hand and forget about the constant screeching in my ear and vertigo, that at times can be over whelming from a sudden hearing lose a few years ago. I believe that things happen in life that we have no control over. We can choose to be angry and bitter or we can find the greatness in others, ourselves or what surrounds us.