Susan Proctor Hume

Susan Proctor Hume

About The Artist

I grew up around art and artists, my mother being an artist, the smell of turpentine and oil paint is in my genes, I worked as an interior designer for many years and only started to paint in all earnest early in 2014. I make notes and do sketches in my journal, photograph textured surfaces and objects all the time. Ideas originate from my imagination and life experiences. An underlying theme that consistently occurs is a Romantic Style and broken down mixtures of modern design along with ancient imagery. The work I am busy with is a response to life events, which have influenced my subject matter – through this I am developing my own authentic voice. I usually work on more than one painting at a time due to the slow drying time of oil paints. I leave a work only to return to it with a “fresh eye” which adds both depth and substance. Some of the works are spontaneous whilst others take months to complete. My association with architects has led me to relate to structural design and building materials – wherever I go, I end up photographing buildings, doors, windows, floors and furniture and people. Boulders, crushed seashells, seaweed and debris and other “found art” are a reference for much of my work as well as high fashion and textiles. I have embarked on a collection of mixed media paintings where I am using textiles bonded onto the oil painting to produce a 3 dimensional finished product. Each piece has a unique and personal meaning in my life. My goal is to achieve global recognition and use this as a platform to leverage awareness and change for animals in distress, especially in China, Romania and Spain. I have never exhibited in a gallery and am fortunate to have a growing support base of regular patrons. Selling a painting, no matter how large or small is a huge thrill for an artist – someone out there wants your love and passion in their space. I have exhibited at New International Artists in Carrousel du Louvre; Tulbagh Art Festival; The Gallery, Summertide Exhibition in Riebeek Kasteel; Woordfees, Stellenbosch, Oxford Int'l Art Fair, Rotterdam, London, Ghetto Gallery in Stellenbosch and have been commissioned to paint for various clients globally. I live in Cape Town.