About The Artist

Sihua Liu b.1988 EXHIBITION 2023 ChristmART show winner,Golden Duck Gallery,Budpest,Hungary 2023 HMVC gallery online group show”Influence”,New York,USA 2023 China Sketch Art Competition Elite Work Award, Songzhuang Contemporary Art Archive,Beijing,China 2023 The 2023 World Art Awards,1rd Place,Orientalism or Asian Subject,2ND highest score in contest,Los Angeles,USA 2023 The 2023 World Art Awards,2nd Place,Realism,Los Angeles,USA 2023 The 2023 American Art Awards,2nd Place,Orientalism or Asian Subject,Los Angeles,USA 2023 BEST IN SHOW EVENT,Diamond Award Of Excellence(highest award) ,Gallery Ring 2023 Art Competition Portrait,2nd Place Winner,Upward Gallery,Georgia,USA 2023 Circle Foundation for the Arts 2022-2023 Artist of the Year Competition,Honorable Mention,Lyon,France 2022 Contemporary Fouth Edition,Boomer Gallery,London,UK 2022 The 10th Anniversary Exhibition of Hunan Provice Oil Painting Society(2012-2022), Acceptance Certificate,Li Zijian Art Museum,Changsha,China 2022 16th International ARC Salon Competition,New Jersey,USA 2022 ArtGeminiPrize 2022 8th Edition Finalists Exhibition,Exhibition Finalist,Y2ARTS Gallery,Singapore 2022 International FiKVA Award For Painters ,the Third Prize,Antwerp,Belgium 2022 1st Place Award,Artist Portfolio Magzine Issue 51,cover artist,Los Angeles,USA 2022 Year End Art Masters 2022,Award of Excellence,TopArtAwards 2022 PEOPLE-October 2022,BEST IN SHOW(highest award) ,Gallery Ring 2022 “Black and White”online art show,Best of Show(highest award) ,Colors of humanity Art Gallery,Everett,PA,USA 2022 IAA AWARD (International Achievement Awards) in Oil Painting, 2nd place, Scottsdale,USA 2022 Exclusive Art Competition, Honorable Mention Award,Prague,Czechia 2022 Portrait Painting October 2022 Global Painting Conclave,Finalists Award,Nova Scotia,Canada 2022 Federation of Canadian Artists Annual Exhibition, Vancouver, Canada 2022 12th Figurative Art Exhibition,Hon.Mention,Paint &Other Media,LightSpace &Time Online Art Gallery,Santa fe,USA 2022 12th Figurative Art Exhibition,Special Recognition,LightSpace &Time Online Art Gallery,Santa fe,USA 2022 the 2022 Art Competition“All Figrative/Portrait”,Gallery Choice,Contemporary Art Gallery Online,Delaware,USA 2021 7th Figures & Faces Art Exhibition,Exhibition Finalist,Fusion Art,Palm Spring,USA 2021 Fall Online International Exhibit 2021,Acceptance Certificate, National Oil & Acrylic Painters’ Society(NOAPS),Houston,USA 2021 the 2021 Art Competition“Open/No Theme”,Best in Show (highest award),Contemporary Art Gallery Online,Delaware,USA 2021 September 2021”Open” Art Exhibition,Honorable Mention,Helvetart online Art Gallery,Geneva, Switzerland 2021 PEOPLE-DECEMBER 2021,BEST IN SHOW(highest award) ,Gallery Ring 2021 Portraits 2021 Painting Exhibition and art award, Silver Award, Camelback Gallery, Scottsdale,USA 2021 2nd International Juried Art Competition”Figurative”,Merit Prize Award,Los Angeles,USA 2021 The 2021 American Art Awards,4th Place-Tie, in Realism - Human,Los Angeles,USA 2020 The 2020 American Art Awards,3rd Place-Tie,Pastels/Chalk/Colored Pencil - Human Figure,Los Angeles,USA 2018 The 2018 American Art Awards,2nd Place, Portrait of someone not famous,Los Angeles,USA 2018 Fall Online International Exhibit 2018,Acceptance Certificate, National Oil & Acrylic Painters’ Society(NOAPS),Houston,USA 2018 Taiwan’s beauty oil painting competition,Exhibition Finalist,Kaohsiung,Taiwan 2017 The 45th Annual Exhibition:Enduring Brilliance!,Acceptance Certificate, Pastel Society of America, Grand Gallery, National Arts Club, New York ,USA 2017 Shanghai Pastel Art Exhibition, Hongqiao Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai,China 2017 Pastel Art Annual Exhibition, Ming Art Museum, Suzhou,China 2014 Equivalent Hunan Oil Painting Society Works Exhibition, Li Art Museum, Changsha,China AWARDS 2023The 2023 World Art Awards,1rd Place,Orientalism or Asian Subject,2ND highest score in contest 2023 BEST IN SHOW EVENT,Diamond Award Of Excellence(highest award) ,Gallery Ring 2022 PEOPLE-October 2022,BEST IN SHOW(highest award) ,Gallery Ring 2022 “Black and White”online art show,Best of Show(highest award) ,Colors of humanity Art Gallery 2022 1st Place Award,Artist Portfolio Magzine Issue 51,cover artist 2022 the 2022 Art Competition“All Figrative/Portrait”,Gallery Choice,Contemporary Art Gallery Online 2022 16th International ARC Salon Competition,People’s Choice Award 2022 International FiKVA Award For Painters ,the Third Prize 2022 IAA AWARD (International Achievement Awards) in Oil Painting, 2nd place 2021 PEOPLE-DECEMBER 2021,BEST IN SHOW(highest award) ,Gallery Ring 2021 the 2021 Art Competition“Open/No Theme”,Best in Show (highest award),Contemporary Art Gallery Online 2021 Portraits 2021 Painting Exhibition and art award, Silver Award Collection The Lunar Codex;Codex Nova INTERVIEW FiKVA Foundation Georgia Upward Gallery PRESS 2023 China Sketch Competition Portfolio 2023Upward’s Quarterly Spring 2023 2022Comtemporary 4th Edition Boomer gallery exhibition brochure 2022 Hunan Oil Painting Society 10th Anniversary Collection 2021 Artist Portfolio Magzine Issue 51 2017 Shanghai Pastel portfolio 2017on-line pastel portfolio 2014 “Equivalent”Hunan Oil Painting Society Annual Exhibition Collection EDUCATION Hunan Normal University; Master of Fine Arts MEMBERSHIP Portrait society of America Hunan Artist of Association Hunan Oil Painters Association ART REVIEW Article: Anthony Fawcett is a famous British historian and critic who has previously curated Andy Warhol, John Lennon, and Yoko Ono Sihua Liu's paintings exude a profound mastery of light and shadow,creating a mesmerizing interplay that captivates the viewer. Each piece is not just a visual experience, it's an invitation to a sensory journey where one can almost feel the warmth of the light and the coolness of the shadows. Every work is a testament to the meticulous detail with which he approaches his portraits, from the intricate textures to the luminous settings of exotic flowers, each petal and leaf painted with astonishing precision. His paintings artfully blur the lines between subject and nature,inviting viewers into a world where the two are inextricably linked,creating an immersive environment that resonates with the harmonies of the natural world. The duality present in his work is both intriguing and evocative, drawing us into his carefully crafted fantasy world. Through his adept use of color and form, Liu invites viewers to ponder the intertwining of reality and perception, pushing boundaries, and at the same time, he is reminding us of the Victorian nuances. His paintings often suggest a narrative of introspection and melancholy, yet they also celebrate the beauty and impermanence of Nature. Furthermore, Liu's nuanced brushwork brings a tactile dimension to his subjects, suggesting a depth beyond the visual, where emotions can be touched and felt. In essence, Liu's body of work stands as a symphony of emotions, technique, and narrative, urging those who encounter it to pause, reflect, and immerse themselves in the depths of his vision. His canvases become a tableau of human experience,rendered in hues that speak to the soul's longing for beauty,understanding,and connection.