by Ione Citrin

Artwork Description

Mayan Madness

0.0 x 0.0

40" x 30" acrylic on canvas Long Beach News - Ione Citrin's "Mayan Madness" is a very stylized acrylic-on-canvas painting featuring sweeping strokes of color; offering action to the overall piece. At the center, a Mayan deity (?) stands almost possessed with the knowledge of what will come or has passed. Citrin's painting projects history and a great sense of tragedy. The ritualistic dance performed before battle psychologically prepares the Mayan warrior for the encounter which might cost him his life and those of his fellow warriors. The frenzy of the ceremony is propelled by constant puffs on their native pipes filled with a mash of various psychedelic producing herbs. The drums and rattles sound off, the pipes are smoked, the chanting becomes deafening, and one by one they join their fellow warriors to run into battle. Whether they win or not, we don't know. This is a portrait of one of the soldiers painted before their encounter.

Artwork Details

