by Stephenie Hudek

Artwork Description

18th-19th century Buddhist jeweled plaque from Nepal

0.0 x 0.0

Gift from David T. Owsley 2007 to the Dallas Museum of Art This picture was taken on January 18, 2017 "In the center in the Bodhisattva Manjusri, known to the Nepalese as "the Glorious Gentle One." His wise face delicately carved from red coral, he wields the sword of the wisdom that cuts through ignorance. To the left is Ganesha, "Remover of Obstacles," carved of ivory and bearing a chopper and a bowl of sweetmeat (Dallas Museum of Art)." Even through, in present day Nepal, the king must be Hindu, "Although Hinduism is the official religion, the constitution of Nepal aims to establish “harmony amongst the various castes, tribes, religions, languages, races, and communities BBC. (1998)." This pieces is a great closure for my gallery because it shows the pairing of two religions, Hindu and Buddhist.

Artwork Details

