by Ian E Anderson

Artwork Description

Seeds of Desire

0.0 x 0.0

Oils on Hardwood mounted proud on New Zealand Macrocarpa timber Before a sparrow there is an egg Before a flower there is a seed Before a city there is a dream Before a dream there is a mind Before a death there is a life Metamorphosis - you must die to be born again Inspired by seeing huge sunflowers standing proud in a friends garden, I was challenged to photograph it with a polarizing filter on my camera to deepen the blue of the sky. When I saw the photo printed I was so stunned by the colours I knew it had to be painted. It has been an on and off project and each time I come back to it I have something more to add. I have since added 4 more sparrows and I am painting a translucent city into the large foreground leaf. All this is related to the story I see in * Photosynthesis or * Metabolism (the science, chemistry and biology of a plant's function) which runs parallel to the passions of the human spirit. I will spell this out more when the painting is finished in all its glory. When I look past the sunflower into the sky and beyond into the universe behind the petals, I am left in awe. I worship, not the flower or creation, but the founding father, the Omniscient One discovered in the love of His Son. Photosynthesis • The synthesis of complex organic materials by plants from water, carbon dioxide, and inorganic salts using sunlight as the source of energy and with the aid of a catalyst such as chlorophyll Synthesis • The combination of parts or elements as material substances or objects of thought, into a complex whole (Chem.) the forming or building up of a more complex substance or compound by the union of elements or the combination of simpler compounds or radicals. Metabolism • The chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life. Two kinds of metabolism are often distinguished: constructive metabolism, the synthesis of the proteins, carbohydrates, and fats that form tissue and store energy, and destructive metabolism, the breakdown of complex substances and the consequent production of energy and waste matter. A seed has to be planted, die and then it is resurrected from death to a new life. In this case, the sunflower from its seed, the sparrows from the males seed and the seeds of mans desires have built cities in which to dream dreams and play the game of life. All this could not be without the seed thought "Let us Create" of the divine father. His isolation died and a new fellowship with mankind reflects His glory. The seed sown from man and nurtured in the womb of woman has given me life after it's death to create this image. Therefore, within the seed is the purpose for life.

Artwork Details

Medium: Painting Oil

Genre: Hyper-Realism