by Sarah Holloway Smith

Artwork Description

'Sunny Morning'

0.0 x 0.0

A warm bright image inspired by a cold,Texan winter morning. The Girls are bright eyed and chatty as they peck about looking for breakfast. I spent hours looking at these chickens, drawing and studying them. They were very tame and very interested in everything I was doing. I was fascinated in the chiaroscuro of the inky shadows and the bright sunlight. At first I could only see this as a painted image but as I lived with the canvas and became more familiar with the chickens I felt it needed more depth and interest. Collage does that for me, it adds more of a story by technique and by layers. It's a mixed media piece with acrylic, newspaper, tissue paper, pencil and charcoal.

Artwork Details

Medium: Mixed Media

Genre: Impressionistic