Sobre el Artista

Like an acrobat on a tight rope In my black, grey and white series, I speak in a type of documentary, journalistic-like language. This enables me to express, in a metaphoric way, a personal and intimate world layered with topics associated with the fear of growing old. The work is done on a table while standing, with my hands serving from time to time as paintbrushes. “What Can Be Seen From Here, Cannot Be Seen From There” is a series that draws upon materials from my everyday life as I assume the role of observer and “photograph” with my eyes the people and personal relationships surrounding me. I try to decipher the net of camouflage that people place between themselves and the world, using different forms of behavior such as smiles, kindness and laughter in order not to expose their real feelings. In another series, I try to express my unresolved inner conflicts regarding the status of women at home and in society. By using digital media, such as building new forms and repetitions, I am able to translate my personal frustrations into cultural-social criticism, primarily of the method and the way in which women are treated as inferior to men. In the act of drawing I see the contradiction between control and lack of control. Thus for me drawing feels like a movement that is both backwards and forwards, a search for confidence, like an acrobat walking on a high wire.