Paula Gasparini-Santos

Paula Gasparini-Santos

Sobre el Artista

Paula began as a self taught artist and much of what she has learned has come from intuition and sensitivity. Born in Vitoria, Brazil and then relocated through divorce to Miami, FL; Paula has grown accustomed to a life of transition. Her art is born from her desire to create permanence, a home to return to. Paula became fascinated with paintings, sculpture and especially art therapy. She developed her techniques during her junior yeart at Pitzer College, when she decided to take Art on as a second major, accompanied by her degree in Psychology at the Claremont Schools. Her first art show was held as a fundraiser for the Arts Academy she now works for and was sponsored by Citibank in Key Biscayne, FL. From there Paula has had a solo exhibition in Wynwood during Art Basel, along with a group exhibition, Parallax Art Fair. Paula has participated in Maui Open Studios Show and other small exposures in places such as Brugge, Belgium. Paula primarily works with acrylic on canvas. She is intrigued by color and the quick drying aspect of acylic which allows her to transform images and give personalities to her figures. Paula has always been fascinated by the creative process; one mark leading to the next mark, and in the end it all resembling the emotions she began painting with. Paula current;y resides in Longmont, Colorado where she is going to grad school for a degree in Art Therapy.