mihaela savu

mihaela savu

Sobre el Artista

Mihaela Savu holds a master of fine arts from Rinehart School of Sculpture, Maryland College of Art in Baltimore, where subsequently she taught "Smart Textiles", a course combining robotics and art. She has earned numerous awards including MICA Merit Scholarship and C. Sylvia and Eddie C. Brown Award. She is part of national and international shows, including London, Hong Kong and South Korea, and has work in public and private collections. "g i r l - f r i e n d s is a series of paintings about friendships as intimate building blocks of a soul. Girlfriends, mother, grandmother were my inspiration; half-remembered memories spring on canvas in the monochroma of dreams; life unfolds between lights and shadows. Thus coloring becomes of secondary importance. Each painting focuses on moments of perfect balance around which every of the nine stories revolves. I aimed to incite viewer's personal moments of nostalgia, bliss, melancholy or wonder using the anonymous building blocks of my soul." "Alpha Untitled" is a series of male nudes, inspired by the beauty of human body; flesh as star dust able to dream, betray, hope, longing to know, and most importantly, able to love… Love, as the deepest human quality, elevates the exposure of naked body from lewdness, even pornography, to a perfect ode addressed to the cosmos. "Alpha Untitled"is part of the upcoming Art Busan Art Fair. www.mihaelasavu.com