Patric Stillman

Patric Stillman

Sobre el Artista

Bio Born in 1962 in Minnesota, Patric Stillman is an acrylic painter and photographer that explores motion, light and texture. In 2014, he established The Studio Door, a visual arts gallery. Earlier this year, Patric's photography was included in a group exhibition at the Musée du Louvre in Paris. He is an active member with Museum of Modern Art Artist Guild, Oceanside Museum Artist League and San Diego Art Institute. For twenty years, San Diego has been his home where he actively exhibits and sells his artwork. Statement In my lifetime, I have utilized various art forms to express internal thoughts to the external world. Currently, painting and photography are my media of choice. My photographic body of work is moving in a direction with a strong focus on capturing water and light in both the mundane and fantastic. My acrylic paintings, which range from pure abstraction to figures within the human experience, are heightened by a philosophical effort to define the power behind color, light and texture to define motion.