naomi middelmann

naomi middelmann

Sobre el Artista

Education 1995 Bachelor of Arts, The Johns Hopkins University, USA 2002-2004 Ecole Supérieure de Création et Vitrail, Monthey, CH 2009 Postgraduate degree the Visual Art School, Basel, CH Solo Exhibits 2008 Mercerie 12, Lausanne, CH 2010 Edipresse, Lausanne, CH 2011 Gallery Arcane, Corcelles CH 2011 Gallery Pré-du-Marché, Lausanne CH 2012 Galerie Edouard Roch, Ballens CH 2013 Gallery SpaceStation, Lausanne CH 2013 Gallery Arcane, Corcelles (NE), CH 2014 Gallery Edouard Roch, CH 2014 EPFL, Lausanne, CH 2016 Vanderbilt Brain Institute, (exhibit and symposium) USA Group Exhibits 2009 Lumen Center, Crissier, CH 2009 Assenza, Münchenstein, CH 2011 Xanadu Gallery, Scottsdale, USA 2012 Gallery Espace Aurore, CH 2012 JayKay Gallery, Carrouge, CH 2012 “International Drawing 2012”, The Swiss Art Space Gallery, CH 2013 Gallery Edouard Roch, “30 year anniversary”, CH 2015 « Displaced » Node Gallery, Helsinki, FI 2015 Créavie, Colombier CH 2015 Galerie Edouard Roch, Ballens CH 2015 EPFL, Lausanne, CH 2015 “Swiss Contemporary Abstract” Gallery Rossi, Geneva, CH Art Fairs 2015 Art Contemporaries special project of Art Athina, Grèce 2015 Art Vilnius, Lithuania 2015 CAR (Contemporary art Ruhr, Germany 2015 Paratissima, Torino Art fair, Italy Participant in the annual Aperti art event in Switzerland since 2010 Acquisitions In various private collectors in Switzerland, Europe and the USA and in the permanent collection of the EPFL, the Gallery Roch and Gallery Arcane Scholarships and Prizes 1990-1991 Scholarship for academic achievement, Hackley, New York 1991 Graduated with High Honours from Hackley 1991-1995 Samuel Eldridge Scholarship for Outstanding Academic Achievement, Johns Hopkins University 2012 Scope Miami art fair Digital billboard winner 2013 “New this week” Saatchi Arts collection 2014 “Neutral abstracts collection” Spring collection of Saatchi arts 2014 “Inspired by Cy Twombly collection” Saatchi Arts 2014 “Neutral abstracts collection” Fall collection of Saatchi arts 2015 “New this week, Saatchi Arts collection 2015 “ TINA” Prize finalist 2015 Saatchi art-prize semi-finalist Publications, Catalogues, Media coverage 2012 Journal La liberté, Switzerland 2012 Catalogue « Art takes Miami», USA 2012 Drawing 2012, catalogue, Place des Arts, Switzerland 2013 Journal de Moudon, Switzerland 2013 24 heures, Switzerland 2014 Flash magazine, CH 2015 Article and image on Aperti, CH 2015 Cover art for November issue Neuropsychologia 2015 Art Reveal magazine (5 page feature) Member of the Swiss artist association, Visarte, and committee member of APERTI