Antonella Lagana'

Antonella Lagana'

Sobre el Artista

Antonella Lagana',painter and poet, was born the 25-12-1945 in Reggio Calabria ,and resides among Livorno,Rome and Paris. She took a degree in Literature at Pisa University. In Florence and Leghorn she attended courses at the Accademia di Belle Arti. She has held 27 solo exhibitions in Rome,London,Madrid,Florence,Venice,Cannes,Spoleto,Pisa,Viareggio etc ,and 130 group partecipations in Paris(Grand Palais Art en Capital),NewYork,Shangai,Tokio,Haifa,Lugano,Berlino,Vienna,S.Marino etc. She is an awarded artist and has receveid important prizes in Italy and abroad: Silver Medal FNCF(Federation National Culture Francaise)and she is Artist of European Community. Her works belong to private and public collections in many countries.