ilana yaron

ilana yaron

Sobre el Artista

llana YARON- lives and works in Tel Aviv Israel She holds a MSc. degree in Biology. She studied in Paris at Paul Colin school of art and graphic, at Bezalel academy of arts and design in Jerusalem, art assessment and curatorship, in Tel Aviv. She has worked with the artists : Doron Polak, Bruria Hasner, Batia Magal and Dr Arie Sharon. She had several solo exhibitions in Israel and participated in more than 85 group exhibitions, In: ISRAEL, NEW YORK, WASHINGTON, DENVER, FLORIDA, PARIS, VIENNA, ST' PETERSBURG, LONDON BIENNALE, SHANGHAI ,and the VENICE BIENNALE in ITALY. She participated in the following books: "Livres des Artistes Israelienes" published in Paris for Israel's 60 Anniversary. "100 Contemporary International Artists 2010" Cooperation with the European Community of artist library and the Museum of The Americas. "Markers 2001-2011". A collection of assays and works that also participated in the last 5 biennales published in the the “Markers” as well as 2 Artist video clips produced by "Projective". Her works present media and multi media, and are combinations of abstract, textures wits symbols, and personal codes. The emotion merges with sense, the past with the present and the strong with the weak. Her works deal again and again with the personal jungle. The motif of dismantling, as she interprets in her abstract paintings. Lately, she is involved in a sere dealing with signs and symbols.