David Krovblit

David Krovblit

Sobre el Artista

David Krovblit BIO (aka KROVBLIT) KRO(crow)-V-BLíT - IT’S HARD TO SAY, HARD TO SPELL, BUT HARD TO FORGET! Krovblit is a Canadian visual artist living and creating in Southern California who is equal parts artist and surfer. He is extremely passionate about both practices; they feed into each other on a daily basis. Krovblit’s signature large format hand-cut collages are defined by exquisite color palettes and deeply imaginative scenarios. Using nature as his muse, the work is joyful and alluring. Infusing mythology and allegory he visually weaves cautionary tales about consumerism, consumption, and human condition - with a dash of retro-futurism. A "curator of lost images" he sources vintage imagery - botanicals, underwater seascapes, sci-fi, space exploration, pin-ups and pulp - repackaging the beauty he finds to tell a new story. His techniques combine traditional and methods of collage making. He favors a digital-to-analog process that begins in photoshop. Here he creates the blueprint for his large-scale hand-cut collages which he prints to any scale, cuts all the layers by hand, then re-assembles and glues onto custom birch panels. A coat of resin seals the work and adds dimension. Each series offers an expansion of ideas, techniques and imagery - a kind of layering or mash-up of genres much like the layers of each collage. Krovblit is an internationally collected artist who has participated in numerous juried exhibitions and solo shows throughout North America. Krovblit's work has been displayed in galleries and museums and held in private collections throughout Europe, Asia, and North America. He has participated in juried exhibitions and solo shows throughout North America, including Los Angeles, Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, Palm Springs, Miami, Toronto, Philadelphia, Santa Fe, and New York. Krovblit's work has been featured at The Laguna Art Museum (California Cool Art Auction 2020, 2021 & 2022), The Foosaner Art Museum (RobotLove, 2021) The Museum of Art and Design at The Miami Dade College (Strange Paradise Solo Show, 2019) and Brea Gallery at The Brea Civic and Cultural Center (36th Annual Made in California Juried Exhibition, 2021) where he was awarded First Place.