Janusz Orzechowski

Janusz Orzechowski

Sobre el Artista

Janusz Orzechowski A fine art artist from Szczecin. He graduated from the Faculty of Graphic Arts at the Higher School of Applied Arts in Szczecin in 2006. He defended his diploma in the poster and illustration studio under the supervision of prof. Leszek ?ebrowski. He is engaged in painting, illustration, computer graphics, editorial design and all forms of advertising. He is a member of the Association of Polish Artists and Designers, Szczecin District. He runs the GRAFpoint advertising agency in Szczecin. Participation in exhibitions: – ‘Galeria jednego obrazu’ (Gallery of one painting) in the Pomeranian Library in Szczecin, May 2010 – Group exhibition at the premises of the Pommernhus organization in Greifswald in Germany on 02.06.2010 – 04.07.2010 – Exhibition at Cafe 22 in Szczecin on 1.09.2010 – 31.12.2010 – Exhibition in BALTICA WELLNESS & SPA in Szczecin on 31.12.2010 – 2013 – Exhibition in PKO Bank Polski, the First Branch in Szczecin, on 3.11.2010 – 15.04.2011 – Exhibition at the International Community Centre in Mi?dzyzdroje on 19.04.2011 – 08.05.2011 – Exhibition at the headquarters of AssoPolonia in Bari in Italy on 11.09.2012 – 11.11.2012 – Exhibition at Polish Scientific Publishers PWN, a branch in Poznan, on 23.04.2013 – 06.01.2013 – Exhibition at the Shopping Centre Toru? Plaza on 10 June – 7 July 2013 – Collective after competition Exhibition at the Sin City Gallery in Las Vegas April – May 2014 - Collective Exhibition at gallery at the theater Amaristo Jasi?ski & friends on 6 October - 14 January 2015 - Collective Exhibition at the Philharmonic Szczecin on 14 January - 30 February 2015 - Collective Exhibition Produkt ko?cowy Produkt uboczny at the gallery ZPAP in Szczecinie on 3 - 30 June 2015 Participation and distinctions in contests: – distinction of a logo in ‘Przegl?d grafiki studentów wy?szych uczelni AGRAFA 2005 (Review of university students’ graphics AGRAFA 2005 – distinction in ‘Mi?dzynarodowy konkurs na rysunek satyryczny (International Cartoon Contest) under the title ‘Radio’ Ko?uchów 2005 – distinction in the contest for the poster "Here comes the era of clean energy" – distinction in the contest for an illustration for the calendar „Luka bandita” – distinction in the contest for the poster Boatswain associated with the region 2011 – distinction in the painting contest M?ody Wawrzyn "A to Polska w?a?nie" DNA Gallery Wroc?aw 2015