Sobre el Artista

About me : From I was little, drawing has always been in my interest. Little attention went to the teachers, but instead I drew figures in school books. Drawing was always fun and a hobby. It was something that took me away from my daily life. With drawing came other thoughts and concentration about my own ideas. It was a safe place and has always been there for me. I drew my first portrait in elementary school, but it went in the garbage. I remembered the portrait in 9`th class and tried again. My interest for drawing got strong and started developing myself with the pencil to create copies of faces. I kept on with this for some time, but the interest faded over the years. When I was three years in the art program at college I painted my first painting on canvas. The painting was not all that. Anyway, another canvas painting was created the following summer. When this picture was done, I saw that this was something I could almost do without having practiced so much. I followed the art at Voss Folkehøgskule and had made ??a few more paintings. My interest in art had gone down a bit and I wanted to do learn more about physical activity and health. This took up my time the 3 following years. A portrait or two was created each year, but nothing more than that. My inspiration in art got up again after looking at different art styles on the internet. After ordering some new pencils and using my imagination, the art kick was definitely back! In the autumn 2011, oil painting came into my life. Fascination of colors and how to paint realism was constant buzzing in my mind. Internet showed a littlebit about oils and techniques. Soon there was oil supply ready to be used in my room. I started on a picture of yellow flowers and used color and mediums completely wrong. That did`nt matter though. My fascination grew stronger. I tried to paint a picture of two kids on the same time as a Katy Perry picture. Painting with oils got me thinking more about every step and layer applied over and over again. Painting with oils is interesting and there will be many pictures in the future. Another fascination got me towards street art. Many of these stencils that are created contain political messages where the meaning is to enlighten and stimulate reflection. About my art: My art is constantly deveoping. I want to get better at understanding what i see and how to make pictures that stimulates a sence of feeling for the viewer. Within my images there are often symbols that helps the viewer to understand what i`m trying to say or enlighten. Some may be hidden, you probably will not understand the connection, while others are more easy to notice. I like the way of making images that can tell a story. It can be social, cultural and/or political messages for a set topic over the pictures. I will often try to convey something and create reflections. The best outcome of my art would be to inform and encourage behavioral change in the population for the better. I'm still in the early stages when it comes to drawing, painting and stencil work. My work consists of trying to with too develop my own style and push limits. At the moment steps have been taken a few steps back to fundamental drawing to improve over- all understanding of lines, values, gesture and proportions. Learning the basics makes everything emerge better together. Learning to understand, not only seeing what is wrong, but asking the right questions to give suggestions to problem solving and make something better is the key to improve. There will be more drawing and stencils work in the nearest future. When the time is right, and my confidence lets me, oil paintings will start to come. I always have about 15 ideas at all time that wants to come alive. My head never stops to explore new compositions and imagination. It can be anywhere at anytime somethings pops into my head and I have to write down my idea. I actually pretty much follow this art list chronologically, but as everything in life things occur. The unpredictable with enthusiasm about what to paint and when is an exciting journey. A combination between stribing for realism / hyperrealsime with pencil and blasting away with spraycans, gives the perfect polarity. Pencildrawings is my medium to create compositions and advance understanding. It can be extremely time-consuming and take several months to complete a picture. This is a good practise for future oil paintings that may take years to finish. Stencilwork can be both very detailed and more abstract. This is the field where things can be done in a week and my play with colors and imagination emerges.