Jessica Riddell

Jessica Riddell

Sobre el Artista

Currently a sophomore at Fayetteville State University, she completed her freshman year of school at Methodist University. She is a graduate of Seventy-First High School. Her high school art career has been the most successful for her. Coming in as a freshman, she was recruited to join the National Art Honor Society. She turned down the invite though because she wanted to get used to high school and because she also wanted to play soccer when the season came around. Ryan McCredie, also known as Coach Mac, became her art teacher during her sophomore year of high school. He was also the soccer coach at her school. Mr. McCredie is the one person who has inspired her the most as an artist. "Most of the techniques I have learned, I learned in his class. If I had to chose one person that I look up to the most as an artist, I would definitely pick Coach Mac without a doubt." This was also the first year her school held an art auction and she was involved in it. During her Junior year, she was invited to join the National Art Honor Society again, and that's when she became a member. She was also involved in the second annual art auction held at her school. Her artwork was involved and she was also involved with helping run the program. While in high school, she had her artwork handpicked by an administrator to hang in their office, she helped paint a Fayetteville State University ceiling tile that is still currently hanging in the hallway near the gym at Seventy-First High School, Jessica and one of her best friends painted a chair that is sitting in one of the art classrooms, she had her artwork displayed in the school's display case in front of the auditorium, her artwork was involved in the 1st and 2nd annual art auctions at her school, she won 1st place for the people's choice award, She was invited to join the National Art Honor Society (She joined and was a member for 2 years), and she received the Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition for one of her artworks submitted to Washington DC. Check out her art page to keep up with all of her latest work!