Clement Cheng

Clement Cheng

Sobre el Artista

I spent the first part of my adult life working in corporations whilst doubling as an ardent part-time artist and art student. Ten years ago, I decided to become a full-time artist and have since been practising with absolute glee. In recent years I have applied myself to exploring the methods and means for emphasizing the sensation of depth in painting. I admire and applaud the trompe l'oeil artists for their superbly realistic and sophisticated paintings. My intention is to elevate the sensation of 3D in abstract painting. In my work, I strive to enable the subjects of my paintings to project out of the wall plane, or recede behind it. In the process, I employ the notions of planes and overlaps, intensification of coloration and texture, contrasting of hues, and the contrast of warm and cool, and of light and dark, and so on. In most instances, I try to achieve the sensation of depth without the use of physical texture or physical build up of the canvas surface.