Brigitte Yoshiko Pruchnow

Brigitte Yoshiko Pruchnow

Sobre el Artista

Diploma Munich Film Academy (HFF München) 2004 Education: M.A. Japanology, Philosophy and History of Art Universit of Munich (LMU München) 1993 Chinese ink painting and calligraphy with Angelika Obletter Nihonga, Traditional Japanese Painting with Aguri Uchida Exhibitions: 2013 various group exhibitions (studio Türkenhof, Fokus, all Munich), See Me Digital Group Exhibition at Art Basel, Miami 2014 Stroke Art Fair 2014, Munich, ART MUC 2014, Munich, Art Fair Rotterdam, BassArt Festival Munich, various group exhibitions in Germany (Pablo & Paul, Galerie Cornelia Walter, Annual Art Show Bad Wörishofen, etc.), Solo Show München leuchtet, Munich 2015 Art Up Lille, Salon de Paris 8e-Antiquaires et Galeristes, Art Fair Tokyo, New Artist Fair London, Stroke Art Fair Munich, Art Muc Munich, Friday Gallery Solo Show, Munich, Mitsukoshi Ginza Art Space Solo Show, Factory Art Berlin, Art Fair Regensburg 2016 Solo Show Gallery Kunimatsu, Salon Européen d’Art Contemporain, Saint Brisson sur Loire