Karen Divine

Karen Divine

Sobre el Artista

“It’s rare to come upon an extraordinarily creative artist who also has a wise and poetic way with words. And to find that this artist has brought together her two skills within the covers of a book “A Small Amount of Courage” that is not only a visual delight but also an inspiration for the contemplative creative, is such a joy. Her name is Karen Divine, and she has opened my eyes to the astonishing creative possibilities of iPhone Photography.” From an Interview by MIRIAM LOUISA SIMONS from The Awakened Eye Blog Our world is filled with internal dialogue, judgments, assumptions and analysis. We choose these perspectives over having a “direct experience”. When we view the world with these perspectives, we do not see at all. We live in a world where certainty and familiarity are most important. Being a photographer teaches you to see and when compositing images you become more aware of your surroundings by noticing textures, forms and colors that you might not have otherwise seen. You slow down and find elements to incorporate in your work. I have learned to step out of my way, quiet the critic and allow the process to happen, revealing to me a story through composite photography. I just shoot my life, stay present and watch what develops. ? The opportunities are endless. – Karen Divine Karen Divine was first introduced to photography in the early 1970’s and went on to study painting, drawing, and alternative photographic processes. While she finds that creating a beautiful single image is crucial to being a fine-art photographer, it is the multi-image that speaks to her heart. She has won numerous awards from international organizations, including the 2011 Discovery of the Year Nominee from International Photography Awards, the Julia Margaret Cameron Award for Women Photographers, the Prix de la Photographie Gold Award, and a first place WPGA Pollux Award. Her work is represented in Paris at Mobile Camera Gallery. Her website is www.karendivinephotography.com.