Mitko Zhelezarov

Mitko Zhelezarov

Sobre el Artista

Mitko Zhelezarov Born in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, in 1966. Graduated from Colleges Pedagogic of Fine Art, Bulgaria, 1988. He lives and works in Plovdiv. Since 1991 he has had many one man exhibitions and many common exibitions. Awards: First Prize -1990, Plovdiv –“Business Assosation of Plovdiv”, Bulgaria - black and white drawings. Special award-1996 ,Seul, Korea – miniature oil paitings. Prize for tempera on paper – 1998, Sofia – Union of Bulgarien Artists. First prize -2002, Internationale Art Collages, Paris. Works to be found in private collections in Bulgaria, Greece, Holland, Germany, Korea, USA, Belgium, Cyprus, France, England, Finland etc. In his works with contemporary and complete sounding, there appear the artist’s all emotive world linked to the specific objective world and to the attempt to disclose his own self. Compositions have particularly mighty sounding; a man absorbed in his thoughts, fears and hope finds once again the positive and cheerful feeling. There remains the genuine co-experience, because creative works generally excite and calm down. The meeting of everyone who got in touch with the painting messages turns into a challenge. There is no doubt that Mitko Zhelezarov goes beyond the border of real recreation, comes closer to the divine and timelessness. Having observed any of his works, one keeps not only the immediate impression, but also a kind of transformation, strong and remembered. In recent years he has returned to the classical picture as such, going along the path of temptations with the new conceptual means of expression. He is in a search for the picture with its intimacy, suggestion and presence around us. This is his message to us. As the artist says: “While somebody calls them abstract or otherwise, I want my works to act directly on spectators. I do not wish to make them suffer by guessing and thinking over my canvasses for years on. My sole thought, when I finalize a picture of mine, is for it to carry the positive feeling of life and bring it to people’s home”. Diana Papazova Art critic