Josch H. Pfisterer

Josch H. Pfisterer

Sobre el Artista Josch H. Pfisterer has grown up in Grins/Tyrol. Since his early childhood he has been engaged in drawing and painting. At the age of 13 he was assigned by his uncle to draw a portrait of his father. 1974 After school education triannual apprenticeship as sign painter and promotional designer with additional apprenticeship as screen printer. While exercising his profession close contact with artistic implementations and techniques such as conserving and gilding as well as with mural paintings. Development of various drawing and painting techniques. During this time first surrealistic drawings. 1980 Move to Düsseldorf. Employment as sign painter and promotional designer, gilder. Refinement of artistic techniques with oil paintings, drawings and pastel paintings. Change of style from Realism to Surrealism and Fantastic Realism. During this time he took the chance to meet well-known artists like Joseph Beuys, Gerhard Richter, Jörg Immendorff, Petra Ellert. It was an important experience to work next-door to one another and to get important impressions thereby. 1983 Producing the largest illusionistic mural painting so far (10 x 15 m). 1984 Further large painting measuring 5 x 20 m: the film poster for the restored film "Napoleon" by Abel Gance from 1927. Education as a sculptor (Petra Ellert). Several smaller works succeed. Together with the sculptor Horst Kretek from Düsseldorf life-sized plaster cast "Der sitzende Mann" ("The sitting man"), bought by the city of Düsseldorf for the foyer in the Technical city hall. First etching experience through Petra Ellert. Member of the artist circle "Spektrum 76" in Düsseldorf and the artist group Wuppertal. With the Wuppertal group creation of calendars in screen-printing technique with current topics. 1988 Move to Grins/Tyrol. Assignments for illusionistic mural paintings. 1992 From this time onward Josch H. Pfisterer regularly addresses himself to film with avocational occupation as artist. At first he works as freelance cameraman in the domains economy, public relations and documentary film for television. 2000 First own productions such as "Dann hast du keine Freunde mehr" ("Then You'll have no Friends any more"), "Strom aus Wasserkraft" ("Electricity from Water Power"), "Novitell", "Brot" ("Bread"), "Darani", "Lehrgrabung Armenien" ("Training Excavation in Armenia"), "Die vielen Gesichter der Mimikforschung" ("The Manifold Faces of Facial Expression Research"), broadcasted amongst others in Austrian Cinemas and on TV. 2009 Since the beginning of 2009 art has re-gained significance. Acquistion of the etching technique.