Gabriele Frey

Gabriele Frey

Sobre el Artista

Biography and artistic approach Born 1966 in Stuttgart and grown up in South Germany and Graz/Austria painting has accompanied the artist all her life. Already in her schooldays Gabriele Frey was deeply concerned with the question how to convert surrounding things and situations artistically in an effective way. The main issue was and still is human being - in all his facets, at all levels. The passion for painting soon became obsession. Jobs to secure subsistence could not keep the artist from her intense autodidactic studies: She attended lectures in Goethe’s Science of Colours, spent much time with studying old and new masters and also developed and intensified basic techniques to realize her own imaginations and inspirations in painting. Since November 2014 the artist is member of Syrlin Kunstverein e.V. International Stuttgart, since March 2015 also LDXArtodrome Gallery Berlin/Malta/Hong Kong represents the artist. The intention of Gabriele Frey’s art is to raise awareness, to break through surfaces and to remove borders. Deprivation and clarification comprise the focal points of her art. The artist makes no compromises when it comes to take a closer look, to make viewers sensitive. ‘It is the privilege of art to be disturbing, honest and profoundly true’ the paintress is convinced. In this context her uncovered visions and imaginations move between realism and symbolism. ‘My art is not a brainchild’, Gabriele Frey emphasizes, ‘the pictures appear in front of my inner eye and I paint them just the way I perceive them.’ The transfer onto canvas demands intense concentration and – depending on the particular image – elements can vary or may be added or dropped. ‘To me, euphoria in painting means to simultaneously experience opposite poles: to be creator and, at the same time, to be an instrument in full devotion’, the artist describes the painting process. Gabriele Frey does not want to entirely determine the interpretation of her pictures. Indeed, there is an accompanying message delivered when an image arises, the direction of explanation seems to be given. Everything else remains open so that communication with and interpretation of the particular picture is left to the viewer.