Sobre el Artista

Medorini lives and works near Assisi (Perugia) He is meticulous in his creations of the support for his philosophical-aesthetic ideas derived from the 1974s and start of the 20TH century, and for spatial planes and painted figures which be adapts and harmonizes together. In this way he establishes a marvellous balance between geometric forms in relief and female anthropomorphic figures. his interest is focused on Greek mythology, which had reverberation with the island of Lipari in Sicily where he was born, in order to exalt the spirituality of classical art in a new contemporary way, so arriving at a total synthesis of art from that of ancient times to today which allows him to fully express his own pictorial dimension. In 2012 he founded the Nautismo movement which narrates ancient stories and journeys and illustrates them through a modern language: the Nauti are nothing other than compositional elements (symbols of the rational particles of human thought) which are composed together to create forms evoking horsemen, boats, and even spaceships, all freely suspended between the land, sea, and sky. Everything is laid out following a neo-plastic and geometric rigor. Highly appreciated by critics and art galleries, he has exhibited in public and private venues in Italy and abroad with great public success. Shows of his work have recently toured to various museums. The artist Aldo Claudio Medorini has attended in EXPO IN THE CITY, in EXPO 2015, cultural platform that the City and the Chamber of Commerce of Milan have chosen to associate to the Italian Pavilion for Feed and recently also in EXPO 2015 in the cocoa and chocolate (food of the Gods) pavillon. Among the many bibliographical references to him, mention should be made of the Catalogo dell’Arte Moderna published by Giorgio Mondadori.