Sobre el Artista

Making Stuff. If I couldn't create something new each day, I'd surely expire. Life is about making, imagining, building, DOING. I've just recently started to paint. I had always shunned painting because I was so absorbed in my drawing skills. I see now how much I have missed and how much I have to learn. Bear with me, if you will as I begin a new journey of learning this new skill. I look forward to spending time with other artists here. Besides my daily obsessive need to "make stuff", my day job is being art teacher to K - 5th graders at 2 different schools in my county. In a week's time I see a total of about 750 students. Exhausting, exhilarating, never dull. And then, there's the "night job": I've had an Etsy shop for almost 10 years and I "make stuff" out of yarn. I'm always busy. When I sit to relax, I fall asleep. So I'm almost always on my feet... ...oops, sorry, gotta run now. Just thought of a new idea to try!