Sobre el Artista

I had expressed and demonstrated my passion and desire for drawing and painting as a very young girl. Later on, I decided to broaden my perspective and knowledge of the Arts world, so I studied the Arts and also the Architecture, as it was practiced by the artists in ancient Italy, so I got involved in the architecture also, and I immediately began to paint with oil. In my long artistic search, I tried many different techniques, such as oil painting and pigment on canvas or jute, watercolors and gouache on paper and canvas, and many other techniques. Having been always attracted by the human figure, I began to explore the feminine figure universe, since that is the subject that inspires me the most and gives me many new ideas. Portrait paintings particularly, are what interest me the most, and I have done many of them. In my wonderful voyage of art and life, I did meet, in southern Italy, the famous Dutch painter Corneille, who was one of the founders of the Cobra group, which was founded in 1948. My meeting with Corneille was one of the most important events of my artistic life. Also, the amazing feeling of being in communications with Corneille has had a profound and immense artistic influence on me! I have always treasured his catalogue in which he drew a special drawing just for me, with a warm dedication written to me, and he then created and added two new titles for two of his previously untitled paintings in the catalogue. Shortly after that, I began exhibiting in Paris, participated in the Salon des Indépendants in 1998, and later on, in many other exhibitions in France. In Paris, in one of my first exposures, I sold eight paintings to two Lebanese exhibitionists, for Beirut Galleries, and that as a great thrill for me. My paintings which are posted also now on the French site , drew the attention of Benoît Montenat, the French writer, and during a radio broadcast, along with Line Renaud, the famous actress, he spoke of my paintings as "very challenging" and "highly addictive". Other sites: In addition to France, I have exhibited and sold my paintings in Italy and Austria also. Some of the most prestigious galleries with which I have worked are Ken's Art Gallery in Florence, the Galleria A + A in Venice, Primopiano Livingallery in Lecce, the Galleria Non Vista in Naples, and the Galerie am Weiherplatz in Salzburg. Lately I have painted a series of paintings inspired by the Greek mythology and also another one dedicated to traveling. Recently I have started to paint a series of paintings dedicated to kissing scenes in movies, and as soon as I painted the first one, it was sold! In my artistic world, all pictorial images are abstracted from the real world, with pure flat colors in the background, which seem to become like Byzantine icons. The images are appealing and attractive, but they actually reveal the fragility of their inner worlds, as reflected invariably from the observer's point of view. Every painting acquires its own soul, and it loves to travel too, just like me. And this much I know, that when I create a painting, it already has its own destination, and that could possibly be Beirut, Istanbul, Paris, New York, or who knows where else in the world...who knows! Thank you, Medea