Jose Romero

Jose Romero

Sobre el Artista

Statement: “A fusion of experiences throughout my life told through abstract works. They encompass people i have met in places i have been, and alter egos i re-create from the impressions these special folks or places make upon me.” About: ...Spending a semester in Rome emphasized what I had already been feeling, that art is a part of me. It's something I have to do, which gives me that outlet and allows me to share with the world. Hopefully someday leaving behind a legacy or just perhaps a helpful record of what transpired in someone's life from our time told through works of art. My work is introspective, and most of the pieces have something to do with me or an alter ego of some sorts, in many cases self portraits. What am I trying to say with it?, well, that's for you to decide. Perhaps there is a little bit of me in all of us... (In other words the intent is to celebrate those traits which make us human).