Alix Hallman Travis

Alix Hallman Travis

Sobre el Artista

Alix Hallman Travis began her art training at the Cleveland Institute of Art, followed by study at the Arts Students League, New York. While at the League she was awarded the Art Students League/Fantasy Fountain Fund Merit Award, to study in Paris, France at the Paris American Institute, July, 2007. Travis often paints in watercolor, exhibiting locally and nationally. She coordinates the East Branch Delaware River Plein Air Painters, a loose association of professionals and amateurs who express their appreciation of the Catskill landscape by painting outside together all summer long. She is a signature member of the New York Plein Air Painters, the Pennsylvania Watercolor Society and a charter member of The Longyear Gallery, Margaretville, NY. She is the owner and director of the Commons Gallery, Margaretville, NY. She resides in the mountains of NY where she teaches and maintains a studio. She feels that she needn’t travel much beyond her front door for subject matter. Many of her recent paintings may be viewed on her website: and she writes a blog at