Gifted and Graphted.

Edwin Lockridge Edwin Lockridge

MAY 12, 2018

Creative living. I love pixels, hues, and fonts. If you cut me, I bleed inks. Lock Ridge Graphic Studios, Edwin Lockridge Owner.

Lo Ri Gr

Edwin Lockridge Edwin Lockridge

JANUARY 01, 2017

Happy New Year! 2017. Lock Ridge Graphics. "I Got This"

By Design.

Edwin Lockridge Edwin Lockridge

NOVEMBER 20, 2016

God has many roles, none greater than father. My focus is on God the creater/designer. Before he became a father he was a creater. Gen. 1:1 In the beginning God created... The great design, by the great designer. I was designed to imitate the designer. in the great. design god let's me be a creator.