Sobre el Artista

Mikhail Albano was born June 26, 1991 in Nadvoitsy in Russia. A naturalized Italian, he graduated from the Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Surveyor of Enna, in 2012. He continued his studies by enrolling at the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania where he remains a student. Choose the address of Painting and follows the course taught by a professor and great artist Salvo Russo. Personal experiences in life momentarily lead the young artist to prefer a realistic painting style in a manic playing details and details in order to represent through their artistic talent of the beautiful art. Mature and develop over the years a strong artistic sense which leads him to the participation of several impromptu and exhibitions. He exposes, in 2013, together with a small group of artists chosen by the teacher of Artistic Anatomy at the Palace Marina Passaniti Platamone in HORROR OPERA OR DIVINE. The following year he joined the project GENTER SOCIETY 2 edited by professor of Painting Salvo Duro, exhibition of paintings, contemporary styling. Followed by participation in '' ART MARKET BUDAPEST '2014, the XXXV Festival of Bronte Pistachio Green and presentation of the book by Giuseppe Lazzaro Danzuso entitled' Gran Circo Catania 'presenting for the occasion is a work by the author tales . That same year participates in the second edition of the Prize of Painting "Katane" placed first with his work entitled 'Amenano Fountain'. In 2015 was selected by Paul Levi to attend the International Art Expo Biennale curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, the same year he exhibited in a group show at the Palace of Culture in Catania 'di Sicilia NEW TALENTS Artists' curated by Vittorio Sgarbi; then continues the exhibition for the religious festival of Sant'Agata to Minoriti Palace of Catania; at the same time participate in the celebration of the seventy years of the Newspaper 'La Sicilia' illustrating an article of journalists on the theme on the Mafia. Is then selected by the City of Monreale for the awarding of the Prize 'William II' chosen by Dr. Zuccaro, Department of Culture of Monreale exposing at the Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna Sciortino; the same period in Catania, exposes the MF Museum & Fashion atelier-museum of Catania of Marella designer Ferrera that created by the careful restoration of the spirit of the eighteenth-century museum of Biscari, presenting the decoration of an ostrich egg along with celebrities such as the musician Paul Bonvino, Salvo La Rosa, the journalist Pietrangelo Buttafuoco, the writer-director Andrea Camilleri, and many others. Continue exposing the Art Shopping Carrosseul du Louvre and Contemporary Art Expo EXPO MILANO 2015 by Vittorio Sgarbi at the Villa Bagatti Valsecchi in Varedo; exposes the newspaper La Sicilia in the Regional Gallery of Palazzo Bellomo in Syracuse, in the Palazzo Zacco in Ragusa, in the former Collegio dei Filippini at Agrigento.proseguono exhibitions' Art and Go 'by Daniela Costa in Catania Empire,' Looks for a visible city ''s Palace of Culture in Catania,' Emergence Festival Street Art Silos restyling Silos Port 'at the Port of Catania,' Artists in the middle 'in the Civic Gallery "Pippo Giuffrida" in Misterbianco and' Contemporary Landscapes' Teatro Potlach by Pino of Buduo in Platamone Courtyard in Catania.