Claudia Fuentes de Lacayo

Claudia Fuentes de Lacayo

Sobre el Artista

In the unconscious of Mesoamerican people, survives the ceramic pot, the broken ceramic bowl and the clay figurine buried under the structures of Western culture. With my brush and palette knife I model each piece as if it were clay, and I discover it as an archaeologist under the walls of THE epistemology; that one of the Western Culture. Nowadays, popular culture and the media are the new walls that cover the memories of our ancient cultures and our opportunities to rethink our identities, that is why I started adding grafitti and crushed cans to my walls. Ten solo shows in Nicaragua, OEA Washington; Santiago,Chile; New Orleans, Guatemala, San José, Costa Rica. Seventy two group exhibitions. Several national and international recognitions,the last one an invitation to appear as a Central American Master in the book Between Centuries, Fundación Rozas Botrán and an exhibition in Guatemala and Museos Casa Santo Domingo.