Sobre el Artista

Mediterranean heart and birth, blood heir of a Greco-Italian, MAIOLINI was soon rocked his childhood in a family of "artists". After Artistic depth studies in Tunis and Paris, after various trades, all headed to the Art and a short period "abstract". MAIOLINI is naturally turned to the "Narrative Figuration." Its roots are still omnipresent in her work. Lovers of "Grécité", his paintings are felt and are impregnated in antiquity confrontation with the present movements that give them their modernity. In a remarkable technology, MAIOLINI meet at the same table various trends that we interview! ... As he likes to say himself "A table is interesting that when it is subject to reflection and Price !..." the distinctions among artists put so-called "Value safe .... Roger Darton CHRONOGICAL 1940: Born in Tripoli. His parents PPE cause of Sicily, returning the Sicily, after the occupation of Tripoli by the troops of Rommel 1941/1950: First studies in Sicily. 1950: For the needs of working parents leave Sicily for the Tunisia, where much of his ancestors had settled early twentieth century. Where we find the essence Artistique, his grandfather having a large painted Christ in the Church of Jerba, his father posters of the front of family cinema in Sfax, they owned before the war and his uncle in the United States refusing offers of Walt-Disney, mounted his clean house "Cartoons" 1955: After studying hard, because the transition at age 10, the Italian to French, strong drafting, he begged his parents to include the Beaux-Arts. Mal took him, his father found him a job "in the Office geometry of the Ministry of Agriculture where he worked. 15 age determinations are more important than 10 years and not taking Moreover, after a week, he left his "job" and the family fold went into hiding in a "friend". It was his younger brother discovered his hiding and who was responsible for negotiating. His parents were not rich, with 4 children to raise, and the Ecole des Beaux-Arts cost quite expensive because supplies! ... It s'invente designer talent showcase Store, which allowed it to "high hand" to pay for his studies and beyond! ... 1958: At the end of 2 years, he asked the director to the leave to participate "Grant Award Artistic trip" contest only for students of 3 years. Claiming that his father was not convinced of its future, Mr Berjole, its director (more tart Curator of the Museum of the Annunciation "in St. Tropez), is left convince, and did participate in this Prize. The surprise announcement came at the results, when told he had won the 1st prize, with 20 point lead on second! ... Therefore this award for its time: 1Million former Franks, was intended to make a study tour in country of his choice. Italy has imposed obviously, and now, 18, crisscross the streets of Rome, Florence, Venice, discovering such as the Renaissance admired in the books! ... After his return, Salon des Beaux-Arts, he had to show his work, and a panel it was devoted whole. First sale and first prize, his parents étaint finally convinced! ... 1959: reassured about his motivation, his father left him leave for Paris. Fine Arts, Art Deco and Académie de la Grande Chaumiere were places sanctuary, where he had as teachers Chapelin-Midi and Marcel Gromaire 1960: No exemption for studies Artistic called to his military service in Bizerte, Tunisia, he was spotted by Lieutenant Christian IVALDI, 1 Prix de Rome for Architecture, who asked him to deal decorations of the "Armed Violence" which was the responsible. 1962: Paris, back to work. After several attempts Artistic directions; drawings on canvas board, illustrations for magazines ect ... it was the polish Pierre Cardin and the meeting was determined. He created over 20 years models for various fashion houses. The design was always present, also the creation, color in the tissues. The drawings printed,embroidery, while it paisa, yet it lacked the smell of linseed oil and the thérebentine, flatten and the wash and just finished the table, has hung an Expo! ... Yet he did not abandoned his brushes provided. A short period "abstract", fora nose up at any formal education he had received MAIOLINI here began the challenge of going in the "Narrative Figuration" the technically more difficult! ... Near the Hipperéalisme while avoid it, it combines a pictorial own to give her his personality. 1965: He moved to Nice, and continues its activity between stylist Nice, Paris, Milan, New York ect ... 1981: His cousin Enzo LÉOPARDI, Italian poet , great lover of Art, biographer of great artists, pushes and encourages him to resume brushes! ... He shall make known artists Italians, Salvatore FIUME, Biagio BRANCATO, Piero GUCCIONE ... Who, everyone agrees, it must paint! ... 1982: "Price-PUNTA BRACETTO" in Sicily. 1988: In Cannes, he had the polish of the "Prince of Lignac" who asked him to organize a "Day" for his 70 years on a beach in St. Tropez. Theme, decorations and choice of place at its convenience. The theme will be a great "Bal And in VERSAILLES "!... on a beach! ... a movie! Reproduction ... Major Trianon: 1700m2 of floor stands! ... In the sea, "Basin of Appolon "with its water jets! ... A temple of Love, anequestrian statue, size of Louis XIV, two obelisks 13m high! And ... fireworks, executed by Koelen, 1 ° Film Festival Award pyrotechnic Monaco! ... 18 months of work, and some depressed, were necessary to carry out this challenge! ... The party would have an impact worldwide! ... see Photo gallery Decorations " 1999: At the request of Hector MAGOTTE, Alderman of Culture and Museums the city of Liege in Belgium, he is organizing a retrospective at Museum of Modern Art. In the same room where the year was organized previous one by Marc Chagall and Pablo Picasso, the year d'aprés! ... 2000: In August, during the exhibition at the Chapel St. Elisabeth, organized by the city of Villefranche sur Mer, Mr Dimitri SALMON, curator of the exhibition "after the ancient" which should have place in October at the Louvre, visiting the exhibition, noticed an canvas which corresponded exactly to the style of the future exhibition, it asked to send a full CV and acceptance of Mr Pierre ROSENBERG president and director of the Louvre Museum, this painting was reproduced on the exhibition catalog (The recognition of his peers !...) 2005: A book about his life and work is under preparation and will be released in 2006. -In September, the Confluences Tunisian "he déscernent the Merit d'Or "for his entire career By December it appears in the catalog LAROUSSE the "Quotation Artists " 2007: During the month of May, the Ministry of Culture organized Tunisian him a retrospective at the Cultural Center of Hammamet, for fifty years artistic life, initiated in fine arts in Tunis. 2007: The designer Pauline BRIÈRE it by carrying out a sky 160m2 on the great dome of "THEATER OF THE DOOR SAINT MARTIN" in Paris. 2008: In three months, he made for a particular one of its greatest toiies 6 x 3 meters "Good Night Mannattan" Since 1990, exhibitions, fairs and collective will another followed at a pace ...