Sobre el Artista

Biography Award winning artist and author J. F. Bolet, Venezuelan, born in Cadiz, Spain, is a successful Latin American artist whose work has been shown in Venezuela and the United States, in many different galleries and museums in both countries since 1981. Bolet graduated from the Escuela de Artes Visuales Cristobal Rojas, Caracas, Venezuela, and continued his education in cartoons, graphic design, and illustration. He also studied philosophy and philosophy of the arts at the Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas. Moving to United States in 1994, Bolet studies Business Administration and bookkeeping accounting, while participating in more than 20 group juried exhibits and 8 solo exhibitions of his work. He has been featured in many publications like Reflejos (enclosed of Daily Herald), fat city, wiki art and local newspapers among others. His work has been used several times as a cover for Criterios magazine and Aled ( Latin American journal of discourse studies.) Bolet has been featured in the 11th edition of International Contemporary Masters, just self-published his first book “Rendering in Black, 25 drawings across US”, Xlibris, and is working on his second book, a political theme graphic novel. His work is in many private collections. Artist Statement These Drawings, most of them in small format, explore my interest in conveying mood and the relationship between the subject matter and all that seems essential about the subject itself. It tries to get away from the sensationalism of today’s art by focusing on the expressiveness of basic elements like line, values, form and the effect of light reflected on the subject. They do not pretend to be an exact representation of the subject or even the location. They do though; pretend to depict and intimate relationship with the landscape in front of me.