Veronica Munoz Osorio

Veronica Munoz Osorio

Sobre el Artista

Born in Medellin and raised in Cali, Veronica was "adopted" by Bogota, where she graduated as a visual artist at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and later worked as a graphic designer for almost 7 years. Later, in search of re-entering the art world, she lived in France for two years, where she achieved an MBA in cultural projects and started painting again. Today, she lives again in her beloved Cali, where she works and paints for an online gallery from her country. Her artistic work shows evidence of her passion for the human form (Specially de female form as an object of study). As for her technique, the artist recurs to divers methods, both analogue as digital. Her results, nostalgic and surreal images that always communicate a little bit about her personality and her own personal feelings at the moment they were made.