Hector leon

Hector leon

Sobre el Artista

My name is Hector Leon, I’m a self-taught artist from Orlando, Florida. Through my childhood and into my early twenties I would usually dabble with art, but it was a tool that I would usually turn to as an escape from reality. Art was a form of therapy that allowed me to create surreal imagery that expressed deeply held anxieties about my childhood. Coincidentally, during these early formative years I developed an interest in surrealism, psychoanalysis, and the subconscious mind - these subjects play a critical role in the development of my artistic expression today. In my late twenties I moved to New Jersey. Living so close to New York city gave me the opportunity to visit many of the museums like: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Brooklyn Museum, and The Guggenheim. This privilege of living by the center of art world ignited within me a passion for creativity, which is the road where I'm embarked on.