Timothy  Roepe

Timothy Roepe

Sobre el Artista

Born; New York; 1962; State University of New York at Stony Brook 1980-1985; studio art, theater, art history. Saw Picasso's "Guernica" at MoMA 1977; Picasso Retrospect, MoMA 1980. Art History and Painting State University of New York at New Paltz 1990-1992. Outside landscape painting Hudson Valley, New York 1989- 2012. Residency at Vermont Studio Center; 1996. Paints in Adirondak Mountains and Vermont after 9-11. Begins traveling and painting at the east end of Long Island in 2001. Works include series of onsite studies of landscape motifs in the mountains, farmlands and coastal areas in New York State. Lives and paints in the Catskill Mountains from 2003-2007. Lives and paints and Exhibits in the Hamptons from 2006-present. Works at the home of Lee Krasner and Jackson Pollock 2008-20012; exhibits in several galleries in the Hamptons and in Art Fairs; 4 solo shows; many group shows. works as gallery assistant and artist assistant . has developed an individual mixed media technique; forging a connection between abstract spaces and figurative motifs. Paints directly from nature informing a brand of expressive abstraction worked out on wall sized paintings