Elizabeth Greenblat

Elizabeth Greenblat

Sobre el Artista

Goldsmiths are the descendants of an ancient trade. There are few of us left, and we strive to continue a legacy which began thousands of years before our time. My desire is to give new life to this dying art. My endeavor is to craft the ocean’s waves and gusts of wind into tangible, wearable pieces of art. My tools have become an extension of my hands, where they form and forge the natural elements into works that are entirely unique. Pouring nature’s rhythms into my work, I want each piece to be another step in a steady climb toward perfection. I am currently the apprentice of Master Goldsmith, Terry Whyte of Golden Artistry Jewelry Design in La Mesa California. I have been training for a few years and I have won various awards for my designs. I am also attending GIA to get my Graduate Gemologist degree. To request a custom piece please send me an email at: elizabeth@goldenartistry.com Also, like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Golden-Artistry-Jewelry-Design-277201065261/?fref=ts Our Website: www.goldenartistry.com