Jayaram Krishnan

Jayaram Krishnan

Sobre el Artista

A self taught artist started drawing at the age of 9 and my first work was driven by emotions. Soon drawing developed into passion and a way to express myself. Most of my works are pencil drawn, while few were in enamel and pastel. Though I have not formally learnt art, my experiences showed me the path to developing new techniques because for me art is a way to experience and innovate. Besides using regular art materials, I love to use art tools which are very uncommon like scrubbers, coconut fibers, saucers,screw drivers. etc. These give a piece a special effect. For me art as no barrier and it can be in any form but I am very choosy in selecting the subject of my art work and will draw only what inspires me. Quite recently I have used a different media for my art works which consists of spices and beverages which includes, Turmeric powder, Chilli powder, Henna powder, Rice powder, Ginger paste, Coffee powder, spinach leaf extract , tomato paste etc. I retired from services by working as a Senior manager in a private firm and restarted my passion after retirement 2 years ago.