Jenny Van Gimst

Jenny Van Gimst

Sobre el Artista

Iwant to take the object out of his usual environment and put it in a new one, as if I can deside how it has to live or die. For me the object is the individual so if I take the object out of his usual environment and put it in a new one, I can rule his life. I call my work families: my settings / associations / stones / they are all moments of balance where the structure of the surface is for everything different. Therefore, I have to reflect everything differently and the best possible. My way of working is to display the caracter of the object as faithfully as possible. I prefer working with things lived, used, rusted, broken, since it’s these things that make the greatest challenge. A broken piece of glass, old paint, photographs. These things painted correctly gives them a new life, a dimension more often. Beauty is hidden in everything, you only have to see it. So if I can seduce the viewer, is this not the intention of making art? The audience has to take time to stand still.